Christ in Us is our Hope of Glory! Every prepared Bible-believing Christian is always in the wait: Expecting the Rapture and Christ’s second coming. True Christians believes that Christ is coming again to take us to our eternal home (Heaven).
Working towards this goal is what keeps our faith alive and makes our hands work for the propagation of the Gospel of Christ. In today’s insight, we’ll be seeing some things we need to do in other not to miss out when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ returns to take us up and crown us with his eternal Glory.
How to Remain Prepared for Christ’s Coming?
- Pray always: Prayer is the number one weapon of every bible-believing Christian. It is one of the most important practice every believer must engage in daily. Our Savior – Jesus Christ admonished us to pray and not faint. Also in the scriptures, the apostles in many cases gave us solid reasons why we should remain fervent in prayers by praying at all times. Mark 11:24, Luke 18:1, Luke 21:36.
- Ensure you’re standing right with God: Always be sure of your stand with God because He said in his word that “…I know my sheep”. Ask for forgiveness whenever you go wrong and He will forgive yo: According to Romans 10:9 – “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
- Always forgive your offenders, so you’ll be forgiven as well: Although God will always forgive us of our sins, he made it clear in Matthew 6:14-15 – that “…if you do not forgive men their sins, neither will your Father forgive yours.” This scripture verse lets us know that forgiveness is an important virtue and as such should be embraced by every God-loving Christian.
- Build your faith: Faith is fundamental to the success of every believer. You should always keep your faith alive by living and walking in the direction/guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- Evangelize Christ Everywhere and at all Times: Even Jesus Christ when he was on earth went about preaching the gospel, performing miracles and saving souls. – Mark 16: 15-16 “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved. But he who does not believe will be condemned.” Preach Christ always, at all times and in every circumstances.
- Always walk with the Holy Spirit’s direction: Before Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, he promised to send us a comforter and guilder who will always be on our side and direct us to the right part. The counselor is the Holy Spirit – He’s always around us and with us at all times. To help, direct and quicken our inner minds for a better walk with God.
- Live Prepared: With the current form the world is taking, we Christians needs to Live Prepared so we don’t get caught unprepared. The scriptures say that God will come like a thief in the night, so always be ready – LIVE READY!
- Study His Word always: and Peter said to Timothy, “Study to show thyself approved unto God…” (2 Tim. 2:15). There’s no better way to keep yourself prepared for Christ’s coming than studying God’s word at all times.
- Build your responsibilities under Christ Jesus: It is not enough for us to pray, study and preach. We also need to build up a solid relationship with God by working for him in his vineyard wherever we find ourselves.
- Improve daily: God’s divine instruction is for believers to -“Be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves…” (James 1:22-25). With this, you will keep not only yourself ready, but those of your household as well.
Wrap Up
Check yourself properly and work on the areas you are found wanting so you don’t miss out on Christ’s return. As you keep these practices and live right, I pray we will all see Jesus when he shall come again to take his people home. God bless you and preserve your soul until the Glorious day of his coming. Amen.
Thanks for the mirror to see my life to reflect the Christ in me and the hope of glory. I’ve been searching for the way to prepare for heaven due to the present human nature and conditions ,knowing that they shall surely pass away for each of us but where shall our eternity be. I found your article practically sound. I thank God for it and it’s my prayer that the Holy Spirit help my infirmity to keep on the path that leads to eternal life in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
You are welcome Abbdou. Thanks for your prayers and kind wishes too. It’s very much appreciated.
Thanks so much sir,
Daer lord give me the grace to stand for you all the days of my life
Without you in my life I’m nothing, I look unto you, for enatanal life!
Dear lord I pray for grace to make heaven